It may be the case that you’ve already been successful in business or other ventures and now you spend the majority of your time managing your investments.
Whether this consists of you monitoring shares/managed funds or being part of a syndicate investing in real estate or other businesses, there are critical taxation, structuring and cashflow issues that must be addressed to ensure the goals you want to achieve from your investments are met.
A large part of your wealth may also be tied-up in your self-managed superannuation fund (“SMSF”) and ensuring that you can access those funds in the way you wish and in the most tax-efficient manner, requires careful planning well before (sometimes years before) that day arrives.

Does your SMSF meet the ever-changing compliance requirements? Does it have sufficient income-earning assets in it? How does tax work with superannuation and how will it affect you? These are just some of the questions that must be addressed in order to ensure the next phase of your life is everything you want it to be.
Or you may be a foreign investor, looking to invest in Australia and want advice regarding your tax obligations in Australia and investment structures most suited to your situation.
Our investment structuring and taxation specialists can answer these questions (and quite a few you may not have thought of) to crystallise your goals and allow you to sleep at night.
So if you’re a investor wanting to ensure you have all your taxation, structuring and cashflow needs met or you’re getting to that stage where you want to start talking about the next stage of your life and how you can transition from being a business-owner, professional or investor to having your SMSF provide for you in retirement, then take advantage of our no -obligation, free consultation to see how we can help you.