The argument for allowing access to superannuation funds for first home buyers seems to do the rounds periodically, however, it would appear that the preservation of the funds for retirement purposes seems to be the predominant counter-argument.
27 February 2015
An interesting article about the battle for the online accounting market, between MYOB and Xero.
23 February 2015
Putting aside issues of competition, we can already see inevitable questions arising regarding taxation. When does it turn from being a hobby for someone who just wants to earn a few more dollars, into something that becomes a business and therefore bears tax? This is something that tax advisors will also have to consider.
20 February 2015
It seems this article merely confirms the extensive time and information requirements associated with the higher level tax reviews, conducted by the Australian Taxation Office, that companies and high net-worth private groups must sometimes endure.
18 February 2015
This article highlights an important “non-financial” factor to consider when contemplating the potential sale of your business.
16 February 2015
From strength to strength and wonderful to see a local business expanding to keep up with the needs of its market.
13 February 2015
A surprising admission by the Governor of the RBA yet perhaps very telling.
11 February 2015
A 1.5% tax cut for small companies sounds great but how will it be funded and will it mean increased regulation?