Given the first week of the New Year has been filled with stories of corporate collapses, falling share market and questionable business practices, we thought we’d provide some goods news. Enjoy.
19 December 2015
After reading this article, we think a good follow-up article would be the effect of non-indexing income thresholds for various concessions/rebates, to determine the extent of income Federal revenue saved since 2004-05.
13 December 2015
MYOB’s Business Monitor has recently surveyed SMEs to find their top 5 pressure points.
A couple of findings match points we have mentioned in previous articles.
5 December 2015
This keeps coming-up time and time again.
It does, however, highlight the dangers in misclassifying employees as contractors.
Keep in mind, as an employer, the liability for unpaid PAYG Withholding Tax and superannuation contributions rests with you.
29 November 2015
We’ll keep you posted when the ATO public ruling regarding website development costs becomes available.
21 November 2015
14 November 2015
8 November 2015
This article highlights the extent to which the “extra” superannuation tax is providing revenue, as well as how easily people can inadvertently exceed the relevant thresholds.
31 October 2015
What’s missing in all discussions regarding proposed reductions in the Australian corporate tax rate is a discussion regarding the implications for domestic shareholders receiving franked dividends, which is different to the implications associated with international shareholders receiving those dividends.
25 October 2015
This article provides some good information about factors to consider by businesses when looking at social media as part of their marketing strategy.